Monday, February 17, 2025

Enel changes its name after selling 83% of its shares to a Chinese company: This is what it will be called starting today

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Enel sale to Chinese company completed, name change in Peru | Image composition: Infobae Peru

North Lima Power Grid Holding SAC, a subsidiary of China Southern Power Grid International (CSGI) with funding of approximately US$2.9 billion, a total value of approximately US$4.0 billion, and the acquisition of 83.15% of the shares Enel Peru SAA Distribution and 100% shares Enel X Peru SAC

The Electricity Company reported at its last general meeting of shareholders that the acquisition of the company’s assets by the Chinese subsidiary had been completed last June, thus ending CSGI entry into Peru. Now, the new owner has started implementing several measures, including changing the company name to Blues Energia Peru, The decision was approved by the new Board of Directors on July 15.

The changes also affect the members of the Board of Directors. Based on the inquiry submitted by Peru information On page Supervision of the stock market, Yingpen Shi was appointed as a director, while Yu Wu was the new chairman of the board and held the position of second director. Yu Xue was elected as vice chairman and also the director of the organization, and finally Hua Yao was the third fourth director of the company.

The outgoing members are Marco Fragali, Carlos Alberto Solís Pino, María del Carmen Soraya Ahmad Chávez and Milagritos Tatiana Lozada Gobia. From this group, Solís Pino, who has been with the company since 1998, was chosen as the new CEO of the company, replacing Marco Fragali.

The current roster is completed by Jenny del Rosario Essien Quijandría, Soledad Natalie Huamani Uribe, Rafael Enrique Llosa Barrios and Martín Pérez Monteverde, who have remained since 2022 in the positions of director, secretary, second and third director respectively.

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The deal for Buying Enel assets It was completed after fulfilling the conditions specified in the purchase and sale agreement announced on April 7, 2023, including approval by Peruvian antitrust authorities and regulatory requirements for Chinese outward direct investment (ODI).

The Asian country controls more than 80% of Peru’s electricity.

With this process, the company’s consolidated net debt decreased. Enel Group By approximately EUR 2.9 billion in 2024, in addition to approximately EUR 500 million of net debt already reflected in the consolidated financial results for 2023, mainly due to the reclassification of assets included in the scope of the transaction as “held for sale”. The transaction will also have a positive impact on the Group’s reported net result in 2024 by approximately EUR 500 million, according to the company’s estimates.

According to Enel Distribución Perú’s annual report, its asset base includes electricity distribution networks, transmission, subtransmission, substations, isolated generation and other equipment. At the end of 2023, the electrical networks reached a length of 31,435 kilometers, representing an increase of 2.26% compared to 2022, equivalent to an additional 697 kilometers of networks.

In 2023, new power transformers will be integrated with the commissioning of the new José Granda substation and the modernization of the transformer bank at the Chavarria and Sopehuaral substations.

In addition, the franchise areas to be transferred to CSGI cover approximately 1,602 square kilometers, covering the north of Metropolitan Lima, the constitutional province of Callao, the provinces of Huara, Huaral, Barranca, Ayón and the population center of Caral. These areas include 52 exclusive areas and five areas shared with the distribution company in the south of Metropolitan Lima. In addition, they have 1.6 million customers.

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