Monday, February 17, 2025

‘Loss due to loss’: New Zealand offers three days paid leave for pregnancy loss Moms & Dads

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The New Zealand Parliament has unanimously approved a bill to provide three days’ paid leave in the event of a miscarriage. The move, which will become law in the coming weeks, reflects a significant improvement in current legislation that already considers paid leave. Birth Death This happened 20 weeks later. For anyone who suffers a miscarriage, the new law will extend that permit. “I felt it would give women the confidence to apply for that permit if they felt they needed it, rather than forcing themselves to move on with their lives. It would take time to deal with something like this physically or psychologically,” he explained last Wednesday. Ginny AndersonLabor member of parliament who drafted the bill. Anderson added that currently there is no comparable law anywhere in the world: “New Zealand may be the first country to implement such a measure, compared to all countries with compensation for losses from 20 weeks”.

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The gestational loss is enormous Shock For the woman and, if anything, for the couple, regardless of when it happens. Milk Cassidy, Sociologist, anthropologist and researcher Umamanita, Explains to EL PAÍS that the law proposed by New Zealand is the most important step because it underestimates losses during pregnancy Period of birth. “Traditionally, when the loss occurs under 20 weeks, it is considered an inferior or completely invisible type of” one of them “of reproductive life. Despite the evidence that it is not a good indicator of the experience of severity or loss, he points out.

It is important to note that even if the pregnancy loss is not experienced as traumatic, it can be physically and emotionally difficult and will take both time and social support to recover. That is why he said “the introduction of legislative changes has the dual benefits of establishing legal entitlement on the one hand and, on the other hand, on a symbolic level, signaling to society that losing a pregnancy is an important event in life. It should not be treated further.”

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New Zealand, which has made abortion illegal and allowed spontaneous termination of pregnancy up to 20 weeks of gestation a week, does not consider the new pregnancy to be applicable to women who voluntarily terminate their pregnancy. The shock and not being included in this bill is embarrassing to me, personally. “

Spain: lags behind in protection and rights to abortion

The quality of care for births and deaths varies from country to country. In Spain it is consistently in short supply compared to other neighbors, not at the technical level but in terms of the human care of health professionals. Paul Cassidy mentions Investigation Published in February after analyzing the maintenance of the perinatal perimeter in Spanish hospitals for many years. “Lack of care and harm to women representing the most vulnerable group as soon as the baby dies. Health care and grief are strongly marked by gender inequality. Proper change and investment in training are needed,” he concludes in the document.

As for leave, in the case of Spain, women are entitled to maternity leave like any other mother (16 weeks) when death occurs after 180 days. This, for Cassidy, is very favorable and, like other neighbors. However, he points out that in the experience of grief or loss, 180 days is a completely arbitrary number. “Spain is expected to consider introducing legislation similar to New Zealand, and this will take advantage of the opportunity to promote women’s rights,” she says.

Permits for couples are another minor issue. “In Spain, this is not possible with any death during pregnancy. However, it is important to introduce this possibility for two reasons, firstly, because of the personal grief of the parents or partners, and secondly, because the mother-partner relationship is usually so important in terms of mutual support. The couple must return to work. If forced, the support network will be significantly reduced and the lack of social support is known to be a factor in the sad problems, ”concludes Paul Cassidy.

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