Saturday, July 27, 2024

Artern reviewes the film on how Christchurch handled the attacks

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New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinta Artern on Monday (June 14) criticized the release of a film about her reaction to the attacks on Christchurch mosques, saying it came at the wrong time and handled the wrong thing. Image of American descent, They are us, Provoked strong reactions among New Zealand Muslims, community leaders criticized for describing the project “White Redeemer”.

On March 15, 2019, a multi-armed white Australian supremacist opened fire on two mosques, killing 51 people and injuring dozens more. According to Jacinta Artern, these attacks are still very high “Lively” In the minds of many New Zealanders. “In my opinion, this is a personal opinion, (Image release) It will come soon and become very green ” As for New Zealand, Jacinta Artern responded to the public television channel TVNJet.

The Prime Minister of the Island State was widely praised for his compassion for the survivors and families of the victims of the shooting and for his quick decision to tighten gun control in New Brunswick. -Jeland. The title of the film refers to an expression used by Jacinta Artern in a speech immediately after the play, where she vowed to support the Muslim community.

“Communities, families have many stories to tell”, She continued, believing she was not “Not the party”. nobody is here “Our community should not be marketed or profited from a tragedy”, Echoed the National Association of Islamic Youth, condemning the character “Terrorist” Of the film. Feature image “Put victims and survivors aside and focus on a white woman’s response.”, Reduced the association.

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The offender, Brendan Tarant, was sentenced to life in prison for the first time in New Zealand without parole.

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