Saturday, July 27, 2024

New Zealand imposes Govt restrictions for five days after the positive of a single Australian tourist

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New Zealand authorities have announced restrictions in its capital, Wellington, where an Australian tourist tested positive for the corona virus after visiting the city, which went into a state of alert level 2 until Sunday.

Responding to Govt-19, Minister Chris Hipkins pointed out that there would be restrictions on meetings, which could not be attended by more than 100 people, while masks would be made mandatory again on public transport.

“We have always had plans for situations like this, and that’s what we are working on now,” he said, adding that he recommends that people wear masks whenever the social gap cannot be maintained. New Zealand Herald.

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Similarly, Hipkins stressed that those on weekends in the Wellington area must comply with similar regulations wherever they are currently in order to avoid the spread of the virus.

The minister defended that it has not chosen imprisonment at present as it has decided to monitor the situation by adhering to a “cautious stance”.

New Zealand

Four close contacts of tourists

Four people identified as close associates of the Australian tourist who tested positive have already been isolated, although two of them tested negative in the first test.

Since mid-April isolation has allowed travel between New Zealand and Australia without the need for it, the first case a tourist has tested positive after arriving in New Zealand, which has halted this “bubble journey”.

Corona virus

The vaccination campaign in New Zealand is still in its infancy

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There have been 2,723 cowpea infections reported in New Zealand since the outbreak, including 26 deaths. However, its vaccination rate is slower than in other developed countries. So far, more than 10% of its population has been vaccinated against 567,000 people, while 324,000 citizens already have the full schedule, with less than 7% in New Zealand, the general population already announcing a vaccination campaign by the end of July.

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