Saturday, July 27, 2024


This is how Mariana Yali Lozano managed to get a perfect score in the entrance exam to the Faculty of Medicine at UNAM

UNAM considered them outstanding among the 19,972 people selected who will begin their studies at a higher level starting on August 8. Andrea Guadalupe Hernández Hernández, from Aguascalientes, will study medicine; Bogdan Sergio Chuk Demyanchenko, from Michoacán, will train...

Caribbean tourism and health sectors continue successful collaboration

The Caribbean will benefit from a pioneering initiative aimed at expanding the tourism industry’s use of innovative resources to improve the health and safety of visitors, residents and all tourism stakeholders. The Caribbean region has experienced the COVID-19 pandemic and...

Are we already experiencing the hottest summer in history?

Since then, in the last two thousand years, the average global temperature has decreased and remained stable in a largely temperate climate... Until the nineteenth century and industrialization. There began the planet's warming: "In all the past four decades...

Hubble Telescope Discovers Possible Galactic Merger

Powerful Space Observatory It was launched On board shuttle Discovery on mission STS-31 On April 24, 1990, Planned to last 15 years, it has been extended to more than double its duration.Since its launch in 1990, Hubble has made...

NASA’s Curiosity rover accidentally opened up a rock on Mars. It just revealed a yellow treasure

This discovery is another piece of the puzzle of the Red Planet's past history. ...

Webcam captures hundreds of rattlesnakes in Colorado ‘huge burrow’

A live coverage of a giant rattlesnake's lair in Colorado, USA, has gone viral on the internet, surprising everyone with its popularity. The transmission, which is from a high altitude in the country, It has attracted the attention of...

Former NASA members stand against destroying space station

In addition, they insisted that more studies should be done before an informed decision can be made. “Clearly, more studies need to be done before today’s officials can make an informed decision,” they said in the letter published in...

The Institute of Astrophysics of the Canary Islands has discovered a mystery about an “extremely rare” planet.

An international scientific team, including the Institute of Astrophysics of the Canary Islands (IAC), has discovered the highly eccentric orbit of a gas giant planet outside the Solar System, revealing how hot Jupiters are formed. This world, called...

Eternal Sunrises and Sunsets: What the James Webb Telescope Discovered on a Distant World

he James Webb Space Telescope The follower a pot Launching an unprecedented investigation into sunrise And eternal sunset in outer planets Far. This pioneering study focuses on worlds orbiting close to and facing their host stars. Extreme heat and...
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Dollar rate today July 26: What is the quoted exchange rate and what is its trend in Peru?

The Peruvian sol's resistance to other hardships that have affected other currencies has made it a currency "shelter currency"Especially...
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