Monday, February 10, 2025

What are the consequences for those who oppose vaccination in the United States, New Zealand and Sweden?

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Call State Los Angeles, California, past motorists walk past the sign announcing the dose of Pfizer's available Govt-19 vaccine on May 3, 2021.
Call State Los Angeles, California, May 3, 2021 Motorists walk past the sign announcing Pfizer’s available Govt-19 vaccine (Frederick J. Brown / AFP)

In France, the vaccine against Govt-19 of hospital staff raises safety questions. “We are far from vaccine protection”, Member of the Federation of Nursing Assistants’ Associations Francinefo Florence Broad was strangled on May 3. Go to the United States, New Zealand and Sweden to see what the rules are about whether or not to vaccinate.

In the United States, ambiguity is on duty

The country has surpassed the limit of 105 million people who have been fully vaccinated, but the obligation or debate over who should be vaccinated continues, especially when a nurse from Houston, Texas, denies the moment of vaccination against Govt-19. . Her name is Jennifer Bridges, and she is one of the 26,000 employees of the largest Houston Methodist Hospital in Texas, and like her colleagues, the hospital management has given her until June 7th. Immunization, for the safety of patients, and other staff. But the nurse has now refused, explaining that she is not ready, and that the hospital management threatens to shoot her first and then shoot her.

Federal law in the United States does not specify whether a company can vaccinate an employee, but the situation varies from one state to another, so it is unclear around this question. The Federal Office for the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination at Work has already declared that an employee must respect an employee’s religious beliefs or any medical contradictions in a vaccination issue. However, more and more American companies want to make the vaccine mandatory. A meat company in Colorado now only hires vaccinated workers. United Airlines is considering making the vaccine mandatory for all of its employees, although it has not yet issued a statement. In New York, many restaurants hire staff or room staff on the condition that they provide a vaccination card.

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There are also companies or communities that are willing to pay people to get vaccinated or at least reward them, which is very American. The target supermarket chain offers its employees a $ 30 trip to the nearest vaccination center. In California, a fruit juice company pays $ 500 to its vaccinated employees. In Maryland, the governor gets less than $ 100 for his officers, who will be vaccinated in the coming days. Even more original, the state of New Jersey offers beer to those over 21 who will be vaccinated in May. The program is called “A Shooting and a Beer.” [une piqûre et une bière], And it has partnered with several local breweries

In New Zealand, customs officials opened fire for refusing the vaccine

Oceania is one of the countries that has best managed the corona virus crisis. But to get such results, drastic measures had to be taken. Nine officers have been fired for refusing to vaccinate against Govt-19. These are customs officers who ensure border control. However, since March 2020, New Zealand’s borders have been closed, as have Australia. Even if it has been several months since any local virus spread in New Zealand, the identified rare carriers are foreigners, with whom these agents should routinely communicate. Prime Minister Jacinta Ordner has promised that vaccination will not be mandatory and that in such a situation, staff who refuse to be vaccinated will be reassigned to less exposed services. Except that these nine could not be reclassified, they were fired.

On the Australian side at the federal level, the rule is that vaccination is not mandatory. States, on the other hand, can decide, at least for certain categories of individuals. In the state of Victoria, for example, the city of Melbourne is home to all the staff working on the isolated project, which involves keeping all foreigners in formal rooms. Hotel for two weeks. Here again, in the event of a denial, the permit is waived. This is also the case in the northeastern state of Queensland, where vaccination is mandatory for all nursing staff. Qantas Airlines was the first to announce the need for vaccination certification from its passengers when resuming international flights. So, without making a mistake, we can assume that the flight crew must also be vaccinated for travel, and therefore work.

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In Sweden, AstraZeneca was fined for refusing

This is happening in Kalmar in the south of the country: a couple was fined for not wanting to be vaccinated. Septuagener Stephen Lukestrom is fined 20 by his city mediator and his wife by 20 euros. Reason: He went to his appointment for vaccination and returned to avoid getting the dose of AstraZeneca.

In Sweden, in fact, as long as we sit in the doctor’s chair, we do not know the seal of the vaccine and is ready to bite. But for couples who complain, it is illegal to force someone to buy an item that only you can find at the last minute. It is not known how many people have been fined so far as many have to pay without saying anything, but the Kalmar area confirms that this is of concern to those who do not show up, regardless of the vaccine. Also, time to avoid waste and loss.

This case illustrates the desperation of this vaccine, in which the most rare side effects occurred in four persons, four women, two of whom died. Authorities contributed to the chaos. It was originally intended for those under 65 years of age and then suspended before being approved, and this system was intended for those over 65 years of age. Sweden already had to extend the vaccination program twice, which is going slower than expected. But it is not certain that a fine of twenty euros will be enough to convince the Swedes to accept AstraZeneca.

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