Saturday, July 27, 2024

Geneva Davison

The deep ocean floor produces its own oxygen, paving the way for deep-sea mining.

The ocean floor is capable of producing king Oxygen The source will be some Nodules multi-metallicwith rare earth mineralsWhich can affect the seabed environment.Polymetallic nodules, common in sediment-covered abyssal plains of oceans, consist mainly of Iron and manganese oxidesBut...

Angola enjoys positive trade balance in first quarter of the year

This result was influenced by the positive behaviour of oil prices, the main export product. According to the information, from the beginning of January...

Health highlights increase in health cadres appointment this summer in the governorate

The Ministry of Health and Consumer Affairs, in the face of recent criticism from the Socialist Workers' Party of Andalusia regarding the resources allocated to health care during the summer in the province of Granada, defended on Monday that...

Spanish banks’ default rate rises to 3.6% in May

MADRID (EFE) - The default rate in Spanish banks rose in May to 3.6%, from 3.59% in April, mainly due to an increase in unpaid loans, which was added to a decrease in the total stock of credits, according...

China’s central bank cuts interest rates to stimulate economy

China's central bank cut two key interest rates on Monday to stimulate its slowing global economy. The Bank of China announced on its website that the one-year LPR, a reference for the most advantageous...

Logrossan has a new health centre thanks to an investment of 3 million euros

The Minister of Health and Social Services, Sara García Espada, inaugurated the new health centre in Logrosan, a 1,600 square metre building in which more than 3 million euros were invested. This centre serves more than 3,500 users of...

China, Solar Energy and the Logic of Amplification » Enrique Dans

in the picture, Gansu Dunhuang Solar Parkin the province of GansuIn China, with a capacity of 50 megawatts, construction began in 2009 and is gradually expanding, taking advantage of the Gobi Desert.a Latest World Energy Monitor Report He claims...

Scientists discover structures and pyramids in the forest: “This could change what we knew” | Canariasnred

Among the dense tropical forests of Mexico Pyramids Archaeologists have identified pyramids, a ceremonial center, and an underground structure beneath a ball court built by the ancient Maya in central Campeche. Located in the Balam-Ku Biosphere Reserve, the pyramids...

Cryptocurrency Market: What is Ethereum Worth?

This merger is about Combining the Ethereum blockchain with a new separate blockchain Known as proof of stake, which It reduces energy consumption. The Ethereum blockchain is 99.9% free, according to its developers, making it more “friendly” to the...

Coordination of Actions to Promote Mental Health Project

The new project to promote health, prevent diseases and improve living conditions is in line with the health promotion strategy. This week, the Cabildo de Tenerife held the second meeting of the Steering Group for Coordination. Measures to Prevent Mental...

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"Beeraholic. Friend of animals everywhere. Evil web scholar. Zombie maven."
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Dollar rate today July 26: What is the quoted exchange rate and what is its trend in Peru?

The Peruvian sol's resistance to other hardships that have affected other currencies has made it a currency "shelter currency"Especially...
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