Saturday, July 27, 2024

Wall Street closes in mixed territory and S&P consolidates

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NEW YORK (EFE).- Wall Street ended the day on mixed ground and one of its main indexes, the S&P 500 Selective Index, closed for the first time above 5,000 points (5,026.58), a level it briefly reached yesterday and which remains so today. Throughout the trading day.

The good US inflation data, which was even better than initially reported, appears to follow the fifth consecutive week in which the S&P 500 did not falter.

At the close of the New York Stock Exchange, the S&P 500 rose 0.57%, enough to hold it above 5,000 points. A better performance than the Dow Jones Industrial Average, which lost 0.14% and closed at 38,671.69 points.

The Nasdaq index, which brings together major technology companies, gained 1.25%, reaching 15,990.66 units.

More data on Wall Street

In addition to the effects of generally good business results, the stock market was encouraged today by December inflation data. They finally closed at 0.2%, which is even lower than what was initially announced (0.3%).

The yield on 10-year Treasury bonds rose slightly to 4.173%.

By sector, gains were dominated and led by technology companies (1.5%) and non-essential goods (0.99%). Energy companies closed in the red (-1.85%).

Among the 30 companies listed in the Dow Jones Index, Chevron (-1.96%) and Disney (-1.94%) stood out, and among the companies that closed in the green zone, two technology companies stood out, Intel (1.91%) and Microsoft (1.56%).

In other markets, the price of Texas oil rose to $76.84 per barrel. At the end of the session, gold fell to $2039.5 per ounce, and the dollar lost strength against the euro, with a change of 1.0786.

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